Contact us
01 | Israel
Our office is located in Tel-Aviv, Israel. All business activities coordinated from here. If you are wishing to address our company regarding any subject or with any offer please contact the Tel-Aviv office. All other locations are dealing with technical operations only.
Ha-Mered st. 29. Beit Ha-Taasiya tower. Floor 11. Office number 31.
Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Phone number in Israel: +972 3 374 12 87
02 | Russia
All locations in Russia are strictly for technical operations and aimd at suppling products and services to our clients. However you are wellcome to call us via our Moscow phone number, which will conect you directly to our Tel-Aviv office without addtionl charges.
Same number is used for whatsapp, so feel free to send us a massage.
Phone number in Russia: +7 495 204 35 28
Whatsapp: +7 495 204 35 28